Multifunctional Intelligent Transport System



  • R. Kadiķis and K. Freivalds, “Efficient video processing method for traffic monitoring combining motion detection and background subtraction,” Proc Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012. 131-141, (2013)
  • Nesenbergs, K.; Selavo, L., “A distributed data processing architecture for real time intelligent transport systems,” Informatics and Applications (ICIA),2013 Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.155,160, 23-25 Sept. 2013

  • A.Severdaks, M.Liepins. ”Vehicle counting and motion direction detection using microphone array”, 17th international conference Electronics 2013, Palanga, Lithuania, June 17-19,2013. Journal “Electronics and Electrical Engineering” (ISSN 1392-1215), vol.19 NO.8, 2013.
  • Martins  LiepinsAivars  Severdaks.  “Vehicle  detection  using  non­invasive  magnetic  wireless sensor network”, 21st Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, November 26­-28, 2013, pp. 601­605


Accepted for publication:

  • Michael BroitmanYuri KlopovskyNormunds Silinskis “License plate detection algorithm”. The

    6th International Conference  on Machine Vision, (ICMV 2013), London, The United Kingdom,

    November 16­17, 2013

  • Kadikis RobertsFreivalds Karlis  “Vehicle  classification  in  video  using  virtual  detection  lines”.

    The  6th  International  Conference  on  Machine  Vision,  (ICMV  2013),  London,  The  United

    Kingdom, November 16­17, 2013



15.03.2013.  recieved positive PCT evaluation No.  PCT/LV2012/00009  about the submitted patent application “System and Method for Video­Based Vehicle Detection”.